Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assistant Water Safety Instruction(AWSI)

So I am in school again, taking AWSI at the Pan-Am Pool. AWSI is a course to teach kids and adults to swim. I wasn't too sure if we would be able to find a swimming instructor easily in CR so I decided to learn to teach, to teach them myself. It is so important for the kids to know water safety and know how to swim.

There are 10 students in the class, the kids range from 15-17 and me! Even the instructor is in her 20s. They say this is the next level so that is why most of them are doing it. Plus it would be a great job while they are in school. Why didn't I think of that before? Anyways, the kids are great. I don't feel old, just feel like I have a little more experience than them. I am old enough to be their mum!!

We had our first class on Sunday and we even did a impromptu presentation with everyone critiquing each other. I was nervous, not sure why, I guess I didn't know what to think, talking to a bunch of teenagers who are my peers. This was done to help prepare us to speak to a group of students that we will be teaching. Learning tips, how to talk etc. I think it is awesome, great experience for the kids. No peer pressure from their classmates, all the kids here don't know each other so it is a neutral environment. We need more of this.

Like what Matthew(7) said before, he can't figure out why adults have so much trouble speaking in front of people, he is only a kid and doesn't have any problem with that!

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